Dr. Andrey Ivankin
Co-founder and CTO
For 15+ years Andrey has translated scientific innovations from the lab to the real world, building highly successful technical teams on the development of breakthrough, award-winning technologies that are being used by researchers around the world in chemical, life sciences, and healthcare industries. Before joining Mattiq, he pushed the boundaries of nanofabrication technology at Northwestern University and single-molecule electrochemical detection at Northeastern University; he then led research, development, and commercialization at TERA-print that he founded with Dr. Chad Mirkin and where he pioneered a series of ultrahigh-throughput nanotechnology solutions. Today, Andrey is shaping the future at Mattiq by revolutionizing the discovery and deployment of new materials. When Andrey is not working, he can be found visualizing data and design thinking from graphical to industrial, watching formula 1 racing and playing sports, or enjoying time with friends and family.